
Short Range Positioning Systems (SRPSs) are positioning systems characterized by a reduced operating range (1-2m), high accuracy, and high measurement rate. State of the art SRPSs provide 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) measurements (i.e. they estimate both position and orientation of an object) with cm or mm accuracy. Since wires can limit the usability and scalability of SRPSs, Short Range Wireless Positioning Systems (SRWPSs) have been proposed.

The purpose of this research is to develop a scalable, fast, and accurate 3D positioning system, with wearable and ring sized/shaped wireless mobile nodes, operating in non-Line-of-Sight conditions. The nodes will be integrated in specific biomedical applications, including a data glove for accurate tracking of unconstrained movements.

To the proponent’s knowledge, the Italian research community has a solid experience in robotics, haptics, and tele-manipulation systems, but a less developed base in accurate indoor or short range positioning. The proposed research activity aims at filling this gap, advancing a state of the art that is currently defined by research activities developed abroad.

Perugia (PG) University Research Unit will supervise the overall activities, will develop the positioning system and the wireless powering unit. Brescia (BS) University RU will design an innovative data glove, and will develop prototypes. Cassino (CA) University RU will be the main responsible for testing activities, also developing demonstrators for biomedical applications.

See the details of all project objectives