G. Cerro et al.,
“A real-time tracking system for tremor and trajectory estimation in Parkinson’s disease affected patients”,
in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MeMeA49120.2020.9137210
The paper proposes a first step toward the realization of a low cost and scalable clinical device to monitor the evolution of Parkinson’s disease based on magnetic measurements. The main aim of the overall research project is the realization of an internet-connected device able to allow the execution of standardized tests and share results with specialized medical centers. At this stage, the system has been focused on two parameters useful for medical exams: tremor and hands trajectory. The paper describes the realized set-up based on fixed receiving coils and one mobile transmitting coil and proposes first experimental results executed on a robotic arm adopted as a reference. Obtained results clearly show the capability of the realized system to estimate the right frequency of the tremor and the identify the right trajectory even if high levels of tremor are applied.